Hello there…
Sara Wood, creator/designer/lover of sparkly things
In the foothills of the Smoky Mountains I grew up playing in the garden, making mud pies, and watching my grandmother take a pile of fabric and turn it into beautiful quilts. I learned at her knee how to shell green beans, to never say an unkind word about anyone - to “bless their heart” instead, and the memories a quilt can seam together.
I have a background in writing and divinity (the study of, not the candy), but design has always held my heart. It was approximately 12 years ago that I wandered into my first quilt shop in Summerville, South Carolina as an adult, and I was mighty surprised to find that quilting fabric had come a long, long way from the calicos that I remember my grandmother using. I instantly fell in love, spent lots of money on fabric that I had no skill to do anything with (no worries though, I learned), and have been set on this course ever since.
And since I know you’re wondering - I would choose dessert over any other food indulgences every time, I am terrified of balloons but love the way they look from a distance, lilac is my favorite scent and color, and I lived within 30 minutes of the beach for a decade and only stepped foot on it twice - I’m all about that SPF life.
I’m so excited you’re here, I’m so excited to share this with you, and I do hope that you will get just as much from me as I will get from having you come along with me.